Sometimes there is a very good reason why you are procrastinating. Procrastination isn’t all bad as sometimes it is stopping you from doing something that you really don’t want to. For example you are putting off writing a CV and sending it off for a job role. Perhaps part of your mind knows that you don’t really want the job and your self sabotage is actually a helpful way of your mind stopping you from entering a situation that isn’t helpful for you.
If you haven’t got a good reason for the procrastination or a positive gain then ask yourself what is stopping you from doing what you need to do. Understanding the reason for your problem is half the battle. Is the task too overwhelming? Do you fear criticism from others if you do what you need to do? Do you like staying in your comfort zone. Our confidence coaching classes can help to answer some of these questions.
Set a Goal
Sit down and focus on what needs to be done and then set yourself a goal and a deadline for completion. The goal can be a simple short term one or a longer term plan of action. So if you know that you have a whole house to paint you might start with a simple short term goal that states one room needs to be painted by the end of the month. Your longer term goal might be that the remainder of the house has to be painted within a year. Make sure that someone makes you accountable for getting the task done.
If you a list of projects that needs to be completed or find that one project seems too overwhelming then you need to prioritise. You will never stop procrastinating if a task simply feels too daunting. Simply think about what needs to be done urgently and focus on that rather than worrying about a long list of tasks. We all have to make choices in life so choose to place your focus where it is needed most. Everything will get done eventually but you have to start somewhere.
Break it Down
If you are procrastinating about a large or complex problem then you need to break it down into more manageable chunks. Set a goal to focus on one part of the task and complete that before moving on the next areas that need addressing. Little by little you will find that you are chipping away at your project until eventually it is completed.
Get Help
You don’t always need to do everything by yourself. One of our biggest issues that we see with some of our clients it that they think they should be doing everything. Running a business, looking after children, cooking and cleaning and so on. Sometimes it pays to get additional help and it will save you money and your sanity in the long run. Delegating tasks or paying others to do them for you isn’t always a cop out. It is an intelligent use of your time!
Make it Fun
Ok so it might not seem fun to have to complete your tax return but you could arrange to reward yourself when the task is done. Perhaps you tell yourself that once you have completed the paperwork you can buy yourself a treat or watch a film or take a walk. If you have bigger long term goals remember that you don’t have to focus on that all at once. Create a schedule but make sure that in that plan you have plenty of time to do things you love as well. Everything in life is about getting the balance right.
Visualise Success
One of the biggest ways that we help our clients to stop procrastinating is by getting them to visualise success after they have completed the end result. So if our clients are applying for a job then we will get them focusing on their application being successful and how happy they will be when they have moved forward with their career. We help them to imagine the better pay cheques, the better working environment and the perks of change.
Self hypnosis for motivation is a great way of trying to change the way your subconscious thinks about a situation. our Self Hypnosis for Motivation mp3 download can help to deliver suggestions for increased willpower and positive change. When this is listened to regularly it can help you to get some much needed get up and go. You can buy this online in our store for download today.