Performance Coaching

Performance CoachingPerformance coaching is used to facilitate change in our clients so that they can reach their peak performance. As part of the process we are there to examine the outcomes our clients would like to achieve and then to work with them so that they find positive solutions to reach their goal. The GROW model is a great way of achieving this as it helps you to look at your goals, the reality of your current situation, the options available to you and pushes you to think about a time when you can make the steps to achieving the desired outcome. Our performance coaching is collaborative and non judgemental as it helps you to find solutions to your success barriers.

Types of Performance Coaching

We work with our clients in all areas of performance coaching including:

Work Performance Coaching – If you feel that you need some extra help to reach your potential in the workplace then we can help. We can help you with confidence, motivation, positive thinking, willpower, nerves and much more. We like to help people to stop worrying about all the negative things that may happen so they can focus on positive solutions and outcomes.

Small Business Coaching – When you run a small business it can be difficult to step back from what you are doing and see the areas where improvements can be made. We can help you to examine your business processes and help you to find more efficient ways to make improve your returns. We can also work with you to change your work life balance. If you are running a small business it can be easy to neglect your personal needs. We help our clients with stress management, anxiety and taking time out to relax.

Sports Performance Coaching – The recent Olympic games has shown how importance performance coaching has become in addition to the physical training regime. In the UK team just about every athlete had a performance coach, mind coach, hypnotherapist or mentor to help them get into the right mindset to win those medals. We have worked with everyone from marathon runners to boxers to help them improve their sporting performance.

Exam Performance Coaching – We work with adults and children to help them improve their performance in exams. This could be written or oral exams or practicals such as your driving test. We know that most of our clients are intelligent and have the knowledge to pass but sometimes fears, doubts or anxieties creep in which may them freeze or panic when they are in exam conditions. We help to build confidence, rehearse feelings of relaxation and recall and create positive suggestions for success. Many of our clients have passed their exams with flying colours after periods of failure.

Booking On a Performance Coaching Program

Our performance coaching programs can be helpful for you to reach your potential and can help you to manage your anxieties or barriers to success. Call us today to get more details on 01636 650 521

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