Have you ever thought what it would be possible for you to achieve if you bothered to ask for help? I ask the question because most of us have never considered that question when it comes to getting what we want out of our life. Sure we hire a driving instructor so that we can pass our test and yes you might have gone on a course to learn a new language but how many of us have actually thought about the bigger picture. Where do we want to go with your life? What job do you want? How quickly do you want promotion? Where are your strengths and weaknesses? What would make you happier? This is where a personal development coach can help by getting you to think bigger and better so that you achieve your full potential rather than settling for something that is just ok.
If you were a professional athlete the thought of having a coach would not seem strange at all. Their coaches are there to help them work harder, run faster, jump higher and beat their previous best. In every circumstance the gold medal winners in the UK have had a team of people to help them bring back that winning medal. A team that pushes them to greater glory, gets results and helps them to achieve things that would have seemed impossible without their help. Now think what you could achieve if you only had a portion of their help.
Aspects of Personal Development
When we work with our clients we ask you what it is that you need help with and what are your goals. All our sessions are specifically tailored to your particular needs but our main aim it to push the boundaries of your success. We know that many of our clients would like a personal development coach to help with:
General Skills – We can help you to build your confidence so that you try new things. Once you have started to expand your horizons we can then help you to enhance your performance in those areas.
Confidence and Self Esteem – When you have confidence you feel as if you can try or do anything you want. As experts in confidence coaching we work with our clients to boost confidence where needed so that you can take on any task without feeling fear or anxiety.
Career – Many people have a haphazard career and just go with the flow at work. Whilst this may work for some people it is not a well planned strategy. With a little help and management it is possible to create a career path that will propel you to a much better position or salary.
Health – Want to eat healthier? Do more exercise? Have less Stress? As well as our coaching skills we also use hypnosis and NLP with our clients to increase their willpower and motivation.
Social Life – Never neglect your social life as that plays a huge part in your happiness. We can help you manage your time so that it is not ignored. If you find it difficult to meet new people or have a social anxiety then we can help you overcome it.
Communication Skills – Do you have a problem with speaking in public? Do you sometimes feel that you are overlooked because you are shy? With the right mentoring and training it can be easy to make significant changes so that you can communicate with ease.
Positive Thinking – When we experience negative events in our life it can make us pessimistic, unwilling to take risks and keep us well within our comfort zones. We help our clients turnaround their thoughts so that they begin to look at the potential in everything instead of the downsides.
Personal Development Coaching
Our expertise is helping our clients to perform at their absolute best so that they can look back at their life without regret at the wasted opportunities that were ready for them to grasp. Fear, anxiety, shyness, all make you stick well within your comfort zones and stop you looking at possibilities. Your life actually offers you a number of choices and with the right help you can grab the good fortune that comes your way or ignore it. We do not believe in luck instead we know that when our clients start to make the right choices and say yes they begin to take positive action that can help them change their life dramatically for the better.
Arranging your Personal Development Plan
If you would like to work with us to create your own development plan then our six session plan can help to set you off to a great start with pushing your boundaries. To talk to a personal development coach or book your program simply call us today on 01636 650 521 and we will be happy to arrange your appointments.