Overcome Fear of Public Speaking mp3 Download
One of the biggest areas where people may find that they lack confidence is when they need to speak in front of a group of people. At work this may be being asked to talk at an important meeting, giving a presentation or making a sales pitch to another company. Other clients never have the need to speak in public in their jobs but then get asked to make a speech at a wedding or talk at a club they are a member of and the fear begins. The problem really falls into two different categories. People who fear speaking in public full stop and go out of there way to make excuses to stop it happening. So at work they may call in sick on the day of the presentation or simply avoid jobs where public speaking is required. Others may not have the fear at all but are just unused to the idea of talking in front of others. Because it happens so rarely they feel incredibly nervous about the proposition and need some additional help. Our Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking mp3 teaches you tips and strategies to feel calmer when you are under this pressure.*
This phobia of presenting in front of others is usually created by something that has happened in your past and not gone to plan. So you may have been in the school play when you were young and forgot your words. Or been reading something out loud in class and tripped over your lines and everyone laughed. At that point in time you would have felt totally embarrassed or humiliated and a part of your mind from that point forwards decided it would do everything it could to avoid that situation happening again. The problem is that these feelings are unnecessary now when you are an adult as you have better ways of handling mistakes than a child does. This Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking mp3 works by helping you to stop thinking internally and just deliver your lines as if there were only one person in front of you.*
If you are a person who rarely has to make a speech then you can also be helped as the audio teaches you to practice delivering it when you are calm in self hypnosis. By slowing down your breathing, taking your time and not thinking about what others have to say it is so much easier to be able to talk with ease. We recommend that you listen to our Overcome a Fear of Public Speaking mp3 for at least 21 days before the event to build up feelings of calm and confidence.*
*Disclaimer – Please note as our audios are not individually tailored we are unable to offer guarantees.